Screening of new short movies made in WOW during The One Minutes Jr. masterclass for youngsters from all over the world.
Following last year’s success, fifteen nominees of The One Minutes Jr. Award 2016 will stay at WOW at the end of November. They come from all over the world. At WOW they are offered a masterclass where they learn new film techniques and each shoot their own short film. These will be screened during the official closing ceremony. Everyone is welcome to to meet the young filmmakers and see the results and to learn more about this special project by The One Minutes!
The screening will be held in the ZID Theatre located behind WOW. We will walk together from WOW to ZID.
More about The One Minutes Jr. Award 2016
Fifteen one-minute films made by youngsters from all over the world are nominated for The One Minutes Jr. Award 2016. Their short, mostly autobiographical films will be presented in the exhibition Displayground at Museum Hilversum (NL) and on the big screen at International Documentary Film Festival – IDFA. The nominees are invited to come to the Netherlands to follow a master class from professional filmmakers at WOW Amsterdam.
On Saturday 26 November, the Awards ceremony takes place at VondelCS in Amsterdam.
The nominees for The One Minutes Jr. Awards 2016 are:
Akparjon Abrorkhonzoda (Tajikistan), Artyr (Ukraine), Muhammad Faizan Fakhar (Hong Kong), Fok Ching Fung (Hong Kong), Farangis Homidova (Tajikistan), Lam Yuk Lung (Hong Kong), Chan Chak Ming (Hong Kong), Oleksandr (Ukraine), Rian (The Netherlands), Timo Rodermond (The Netherlands), Aytac Semedili (Azerbaijan), Chan Wing Tung (Hong Kong), Volodymyr (Ukraine), Zainab, Felix and Dorcas (The Netherlands), Cyprus Ybanez (The Netherlands).
The Jury will hand out three Tommy Awards. The jury members are: Somar Albish, a Syrian Director of Photography; Karen Cirillo, an American communications, culture and social change strategist and founder of Doxita, and Mea Dols de Jong, a Dutch director.
The results
The One Minutes Jr. organises about fifteen filmmaking workshops a year around the world. Professional filmmakers teach the basics of filmmaking to a group of youngsters. But even of more importance is that the youngsters gain a tool to express themselves.
The result of the workshop is a collection of One Minute films, which give us an exceptional and intimate look into their lives. These stories are honest and unfiltered. Some of them deal with problems in the local country or village, like the circumstances in a school for blind children in Albania.
Some of them show a personal dream, like the wish to take care of the family or to become a doctor in order to help others.
Please see the nominated films on: Youtube.
During the month of November, the series will tour museums and cultural organisations with a subscription to The One Minutes Series. The One Minutes is a global network devoted to the moving image.
Samenvatting in het Nederlands
Ook dit jaar verblijven eind november 15 genomineerde jongeren van The One Minutes Jr. bij WOW. De jongeren komen van over de hele wereld en hebben tijdens workshops van The One Minutes en Unicef in hun eigen land allerlei filmtechnieken geleerd en filmpjes gemaakt, en daarmee een tool aangereikt gekregen om zich te uiten.
Gedurende hun verblijf bij WOW wordt in Museum Hilversum een expositie over het project geopend (Displayground) en wordt in VondelCS de winnaar van de Tommy Award uitgereikt. Bij WOW krijgen ze op zaterdag en zondag een masterclass aangeboden waarin ieder een filmpje in of rondom WOW maakt. Deze korte filmpjes zullen we zondagavond 27 november tonen tijdens de feestelijke afsluiting van The One Minutes Jr. 2016. Iedereen is welkom om te komen kijken en meer te leren over dit mooie project van The One Minutes!
De genomineerden voor The One Minutes Jr. Awards 2016 zijn: Akparjon Abrorkhonzoda (Tadzjikistan), Artyr (Oekraïne), Muhammad Faizan Fakhar (Hong Kong), Fok Ching Fung (Hong Kong), Farangis Homidova (Tadzjikistan), Lam Yuk Lung (Hong Kong), Chan Chak Ming (Hong Kong), Oleksandr (Oekraïne), Rian (Nederland), Timo Rodermond (Nederland), Aytac Semedili (Azerbeidzjan), Chan Wing Tung (Hong Kong), Volodymyr (Oekraïne), Zainab, Felix en Dorcas (Nederland), Cyprus Ybanez (Nederland).
The screening vindt plaats in het ZID Theater achter WOW. Om iets voor 20.00 verzamelen we in de Lobby van WOW en wandelen we samen met de jonge filmmakers en het publiek naar ZID. Zie ook het Facebook event.