tijme veldt
Tijme Veldt is a fashion designer interested in dreaming. This fascination with the subconscious leads to striking, extravagant and highly original designs, as seen in his Rietveld Academy graduation collection ROSa SUPERNOVa. It’s all sexy, pink, and transgresses into visual art: a visit to his website is recommended. WOW talked briefly to Tijme to find out what drives him.
Having graduated last year, what has been the most significant moment during your studies?
The graduation year for sure. I did my internship in that year, in London, and the intense half year of graduating was very energetic and inspirational.
You didn’t set out to be a fashion designer. Why did you choose fashion in the end?
I got interested in lust, and shame. Through that my work in the basic year became more and more body related, and finally made me choose fashion.
Tijme’s Rietveld collection ROSa SUPERNOVa is ‘’about a boy who can’t tell the difference between his dreams and his reality anymore. The visual narrative closes in on the moment in which he loses control. The harsh reality of the world transforms into the boy’s colourful one.’’
What interests you about dreaming?
Ever still, the unrestricted way your mind processes information. The things we are most embarrassed about become normal and ultimately the new standard. It was my way of creating an endless world.
Why is the collection so colourful and what is the meaning of the colour pink in it?
It is actually not that colourful, since only pink and black are used. People perceive it as colourful because pink seems so. But actually you could call it a duotone collection. Pink was just big in my life at the time of designing the collection – I dyed my hair pink, painted my table pink and bought pink fish. It felt natural to make it the main colour in my collection.
Where do you get inspiration from?
Lust and shame. Incognito mode.
What’s it like to stay and work at WOW?
Great, we all help each other out a lot, I live with great people. And there’s always something happening. I started to love it really.
What’s next for Tijme Veldt?
My own collection really. I have had some nice projects in the past year since I graduated, and now I am ready to get my own work out there again. I’m going to New York now, and I’ll be back in two weeks, which is when I will start work on my collection, which will not only contain clothes…
Tijme Veldt’s new collection will be presented in January; he will be part of WOW’s line-up during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam Downtown (more info coming soon).
by WOW Amsterdam
i got interested in lust, and shame