• News
  • WOW LIEVEN: new living space for creative talent!

    40 brand new artist resindecies in Delflandpleinbuurt

    Housing association De Key is developing the project Lieven in the area between the Vlaardingenlaan, the Maassluisstraat, the Overschiestraat, and the Voorburgstraat in the Delflandpleinbuurt in Amsterdam New West. This is happening in eight different parts (Lieven 1 to 8), each which consist of different types of residential areas for about 1200 starters between the ages of 18 and 27. The whole project is expected to be finished by 2021.
    On 2 October 2019, phase 4 of the living project Lieven will be delivered: WOW Lieven. Following WOW Amsterdam, and in collaboration with Bureau Broedplaatsen, WOW Lieven will also become a creative hotspot where temporary housing (max. 5 years) is offered to 40 artists.

    Creative Hub

    WOW Lieven will have her own creative programme with two gallery spaces where exhibitions and performances will be organised, from artists active in different creative disciplines (like music, fashion, film, theatre, dance).
    On the ground floor, there will be a laundromat – adjacent to a gallery space, and a hospitality space with flex workspaces and a shared dining concept, where (local) residents can cook and eat together for an affordable price. There is a common courtyard for residents of WOW Lieven.
    Also, in WOW Lieven there will be a learn-work trajectory set up, in collaboration with the ROC and with House of Hospitality, for young people distanced from the workforce. WOW Lieven has the ambition to play a positive and a unifying role in the neighbourhood.

    Practical Information

    WOW Lieven offers 40 living spaces where ready to graduate or recently graduated artists can live for a maximum of 5 years. Tenants of WOW Lieven can receive housing allowance under certain conditions.
    There are 2 types of studios:

    1. 36 studios of ± 43 m2 with a monthly rent of € 653,24 incl. service fees.
      a. Studio: 38 m2
      b. Bathroom: 4 m2
      c. Balcony: 4 m2
      d. Accessible by elevator
      e. Service fees: € 45,78
      f. Rent: € 607,46 (excl. service fees)
      g. Maximum income with 1 person € 22.700, with 2 persons € 30.825
      h. Suitable for 1 or 2 households
    2. 4 studios of ± 46 m2 with a monthly rent of € 766,20 incl. service fees.
      a. Studio: 31.5 m2
      b. Vide: 9.5 m2
      c. Bathroom: 5.3 m2
      d. Balcony: 4 m2
      e. Accessible by elevator
      f. Service fees: € 45,78
      g. Rent: € 720,42 (excl. service fees)
      h. Minimum income with 1 person: € 22.701, with 2 persons: € 30.825
      i. Maximum income: 38.035
      j. Suitable for 1 or 2 households


    • Aspirant-tenants must be in the possession of a positive mark for the CAWA-test. For more information, see the conditions for the CAWA-artistry. Positive results will be forwarded to De Key. IMPORTANT: notify bureau AVA per email of your application: Candidates have to enter address 68 (type 1) or address 140 (type 2) after having uploaded their portfolio.
    • At the beginning of their lease, aspirant-tenants must be younger than 28 years.
    • Aspirant-tenants sign a 5-year lease agreement with De Key.
    • When signing the lease agreement, aspirant-tenants must be in the possession of a IB-60 form, to be requested from the Belastingdienst via DigiD or by phone via 0800-0543.
    • Aspirant-tenants from outside Amsterdam must be in the possession of a Historical Excerpt (Historisch Uittreksel), to be requested from the municipality where the tenant is registered.
    • Aspirant-tenants must be in the possession of Lessor Statement from a previous lessor, in which it is stated that an independent housing is vacated. Tenants that own a house have to submit an official mandate to sell their current housing.
    • In the event of divorce or separation, a court ruling is requested.

    WOW Lieven is an inspiring place where different groups of people can meet each other, and where artists can work and live in a creative environment. As a tenants, you are expected to make a positive contribution to this intended atmosphere.


    Are you interested in an artist residency in WOW Lieven and can you meet the requested conditions?
    Send your application (CV, motivation letter, portfolio) as soon as possible to

    How to apply to CAWA in 6 steps:

    1. Fill in the form to register for Ateliers en Broedplaatsen Amsterdam (ABA)
    2. Pay a fee of €25,-
    3. After ABA receives your payment, you will get an email with your login info to your account
    4. Upload your portfolio and fill in your application for the CAWA-test (basistoets)
    5. Send an email to, in which you tell them that you uploaded your portfolio and that you’d like to register to WOW Lieven. Mention “address 68” for type 1 (the smaller studio) or “address 140” for type 2 (the bigger studio). CC
    6. Once ABA filed your application, they will ask you to send your motivation letter and your tax assessment (belastingaanslag) to

    Your job is done. All you have to do now is wait for the results…

    Maybe your next residency?