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  • AIR news

    Fashion designer Linda Plaude will be the second WOW Artist in Residence occupying the Torenkamer at Vondel CS, where she will focus wholly on a project for a full week. Listen to Radio 4’s Opium show for updates on her progress.

    Geray Mena’s solo exhibition Immortal was featured on Spanish TV. How’s your Spanish? Starts about 25 minutes in.

    Matthias Sigurdsson’s Molino project released their new single Gangly Limbs. Give it a listen and a thumbs up on YouTube.

    Sophie Hardeman (picture) was listed in Indie Mag as one of the most exciting young fashion designers in the world.

    Olfactory artist Klara Ravat hosts a very special film/smell workshop at WORM in Rotterdam. Would you like to learn how to work with scent and how we can manipulate film with smell molecules?