• News

    WOW Open AIR was a big succes! Some 500 people visited WOW and experienced several artistic performances.

    During the event WOW Open AIR (Saturday 12 March) the public could experience a full evening of the offerings of fifty talented artists. Musicians played in the nooks and crannies of the building; art and design were shown everywhere; plus videos by the most promising filmmakers were screened in one of the studio’s. Open AIR stands for a collective outburst of all the creativity WOW has in store: musical, visual, digital, culinary. AIR means Artist In Residence: they were open to those who’d like to get to know them better.

    See for the pictures our Facebook album.

    About 24H WEST

    24H Amsterdam is an opportunity to experience the city in new ways. Its West edition took place on 12 & 13 March 2016, showcasing the best of the west of Amsterdam – some say it’s the best side. From noon on Saturday, 12 March to noon on Sunday, 13 March, the district was over-flooded with fun and often unusual events. Theatres, museums, clubs, shops and places of interest opened their doors to the public.