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  • Last Week of REFLECT

    For the exhibition REFLECT at WOW the well known fashion designer Aziz Bekkaoui has selected 12 young talented fashion designers who show their work at WOW.

    The exhibition runs until the 7th of February 2015.

    Especially for this show Aziz has asked the designers to choose work that reflects how they relate to society and current trends and developments in modern society. For example Maison the Faux will show a recycle coat, made out of recycled material from the fashion industry. They all show a fashion outfit that reflects how they relate to current trends and developments in modern society. The selected talents are: Winde Rienstra, Maison the Faux, Michael van der Meide, Anbasja Blanken, Tijme Veldt, Karin Vlug, Anne Bosman, Jorise de Jong, Denise van Gent, Judith van Vliet, Miriam de Waard en Maartje van Hooij.

    Typical for Aziz Bekkaoui is his love for innovation, fluid shapes and movement. Nothing is what it seems and nothing stays the same. Aziz Bekkaoui is averse to fixed rules, codes and sectarianism. He is the designer of dance, the choreographer of fashion. Art forms merge, borders are erased. Aziz Bekkaoui also stands by his view: art is not neutral. He does not shy away to take a stand and to work with a vision to bear. Fashion without soul is just textiles. Form without content does not exist for Aziz Bekkaoui.

    With the exhibition REFLECT, Aziz brings diverse young talent into the limelight. They all relate in their own way to current trends and developments in society. For example Maison the Faux exhibits a coat made ​​out of textile waste, and Karin Vlug shows a design from her collection ‘One square fits all ‘: a series of cloth rags (based on the DIY packages by Ikea) that can be put together at home with a few simple actions by the wearers themselves. Aziz sees parallels with the concept of WOW: ‘WOW is also a reflection of the zeitgeist: responding to current trends and needs, and involved in current artistic and urban issues.


    Among the young talents in the exhibition are:
    Winde Rienstra
    Maison the Faux
    Michael van der Meide
    Anbasja Blanken
    Tijme Veldt
    Karin Vlug
    Anne Bosman
    Jorise de Jong
    Denise van Gent
    Judith van Vliet
    Miriam de Waard
    Maartje van Hooij


    The exhibition was opened at 13 December by Aziz Bekkaoui with a performance by 12 models joining the designers. See the photo album at our Facebook and the short movie at Vimeo. Checkout the handout with information on all fashion designers Handout_REFLECT_EN.